(Aug 2021 - Feb 2024)
Senior Front-End Engineer
constcoder={name:'Alimameh Ceesay',skills:['React', 'NextJS', 'Redux', 'Express', 'NestJS', 'MySql', 'MongoDB', 'Docker', 'AWS'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
My name is Alimameh Ceesay. I am a professional and enthusiastic programmer in my daily life. I am a quick learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn and explore new technologies and am passionate about problem-solving. I love almost all the stacks of web application development and love to make the web more open to the world. My core skill is based on JavaScript and I love to do most of the things using JavaScript. I am available for any kind of job opportunity that suits my skills and interests.
(Aug 2021 - Feb 2024)
Senior Front-End Engineer
(Oct 2019 - Jun 2021)
Web Developer
Ingenia Direct
Google Metadatafixer App
constproject={name:'Google Metadatafixer App',tools: ['Express', 'PostgreSQL', 'ElectronJS', 'TypeScript', 'ExifTools],myRole:Full Stack Engineer,Description: Me and my team built an Google Metadatafixer application. I have developed web application using Express and built desktop application using ElectronJS. The app reads the zip files and fix meta information of media files.,};
Fabric Ecommerce WebSite
constproject={name:'Fabric Ecommerce WebSite',tools: ['NextJS', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Google Maps', 'NestJS', 'TypeScript', 'MySQL', 'AWS S3', 'Sun-Editor', 'Gmail Passkey],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: I have designed and developed a full-stack web app for 2Expedition, a travel agency in Morocco. I created the UI using ReactJS, Typescript, AntD and TailwindCSS. The app supports multiple languages. I developed the API using ExpressJS, Typescript, PostgreSQL, Prisma, AWS, and Nodemailer. I deployed the front-end app to AWS Amplify and the back-end app to AWS EC2.,};
AI Powered Real Estate
constproject={name:'AI Powered Real Estate',tools: ['React', 'Bootstrap', 'SCSS', 'Stripe', 'Express', 'TypeScript', 'MongoDB', 'Azure Blob', 'OpenAI API', 'Replicate AI', 'Cronjob', 'JWT],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: My team built an AI-based real estate app using Replicate API and OpenAI. We used Express, Typescript, OpenAI, Replicate, Stripe, and Mongoose to develop the API. We utilized NextJS, Formik, TailwindCSS, and other npm libraries for the UI. We have trained multiple AI assistants using the latest GPT model and integrated Replicate API for image processing. We added role-based auth, subscription plans, Cron job scheduling, and payment integration with Stripe.,};
2016 - 2019
Bachelor Degree
University of Trento
© Developer Portfolio by Alimameh Ceesay